Typology of psychotherapeutic targets and changes in state of patients with neurotic disorders in the course of personality-oriented (reconstructive) psychotherapy
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V. M. Bekterev Institute
V. B. Bekhterev Institute
V. M. Bekhterev Institute
Submission date: 2017-05-01
Final revision date: 2017-11-08
Acceptance date: 2017-11-13
Publication date: 2017-12-18
Corresponding author
Anna Vasileva   

V. M. Bekterev Institute, Bekhterev str.3, 192019 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Arch Psych Psych 2017;19(4):22-31
Aim of the study:
classify specific psychotherapeutic targets significant for the dynamic of the patients clinical and psychological features in the course of psychotherapy.

Subject or material and methods:
150 patients with 3 forms of neurotic disorders were studied with The Symptom Checklist-90) – SCL-90; Ways of coping questionnaire (WCQ) (R. Lazarus, S. Folkman, 1988), Gießen personality test, Personality differential semantic test.

At the first stage of individual personality-oriented (reconstructive) psychotherapy, the main targets concerned the characteristics of psychotherapeutic relationships; at the second stage, the main targets concerned "personality-situation-disease" causation and the domain of self-understanding and self-attitude; at the third stage, the problem-decisive and behavioral focus of interventions prevailed. These characteristics of the content of individual personality-oriented (reconstructive) psychotherapy were successful according to the positive trends of clinical-and-psychological and personal characteristics of patients.

changes in personality questionnaires values mostly indicate an improvement in patients’ interpersonal functioning, while these changes concern specific factors of different types of neurotic disorders: inadequate self-esteem – in the hysterical type, determination and volitional quality – in the obsessive-phobic type, hyper-control and hyper-responsibility – in the neurasthenic type.

Symptomatic condition, personal characteristics and characteristics of protective and coping behavior in all patients with neurotic disorders have undergone a positive trend in the course of individual personality-oriented (reconstructive) psychotherapy – there was a significant decrease in subjective intensity of symptoms, their diversity and severity of distress; there were improvements in interaction with others and increase in behavioral adaptability; self-esteem became more adequate.
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