The occurrence of emotional problems in somatic diseases based on psychodermatology
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Zakład Psychologii Stosowanej, Medical University of Lublin
Neuropsychiatric Hospital in Lublin
Individual Medical Practice
Submission date: 2013-12-10
Final revision date: 2014-05-11
Acceptance date: 2014-05-12
Publication date: 2014-06-26
Corresponding author
Iwona Partyka   

Neuropsychiatric Hospital in Lublin, Abramowicka 2, 20-442 Lublin, Poland
Arch Psych Psych 2014;16(2):23-28
Aim of the study:
The aim of this study is to present selected aspects of psychosocial problems in chronic somatic diseases based on the example of dermatology with an impact on psoriasis as a model type of psychodermatological disease. This review does not include the theoretical basis for somatization as the issue exceeds the size of this article.

Subject or material and methods:
The analysis of present literature related to the subject.

Confirmed the connection between emotional problems and the course of an illness and proved the usefulness of psychodermatology in improving the quality of life of patients with chronic skin diseases.

Comparison of demographically and culturally varied groups. The use of different research methods evokes the need of unification.

Relation between emotional factors and the course of psychosomatic disease is unquestionable and mutual. Promising trends include social support, multidisciplinary care and creating adequate tools for assessment of emotional problems in psychosomatic problems and practical use. Developing research tendencies compare impairment in dermatological problems with other somatic disease.
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