Selected predictors of educational achievements in students
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Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie
Submission date: 2020-09-02
Final revision date: 2020-12-13
Acceptance date: 2020-12-23
Online publication date: 2021-06-27
Publication date: 2021-06-27
Corresponding author
Elżbieta Napora   

Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie
Arch Psych Psych 2021;23(2):61-72
Aim of the study:
The aim of the study was to point to the determinants of school achievement in adolescent students

Subject or material and methods:
To answer the research question - which predictors can explain school achievements in adolescents divided by gender - data was collected from 81 subjects using the Pressure Measurement Scale – PMS-18, Family Relations Questionnaire (FRQ) and the students’ average term score was taken into account.

In comparison with the boys, the girls’ grade point average results were significantly higher (p = 0.019).

In the studied sample of girls, however, neither resilience, nor dimensions of their relationship with the mother co-impacted the girls’ school performance. Nevertheless, the model in which all predictors were introduced turned out to be significant on the level of tendency.

The obtained results showed that the significant factors impacting school achievements of boys include, apart from high resilience, the dimension of autonomy/control in their relationship with the mother.
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