Reflection on the possibility of alternative approach to the psychopathology of “functional” disorders
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Submission date: 2015-11-23
Final revision date: 2015-12-17
Acceptance date: 2015-12-17
Publication date: 2016-05-01
Arch Psych Psych 2015;17(4):77-99
Functional short-term disorders provoked by extremely difficult life events – stresses – are entirely different from the chronic or recurrent ones: anxiety or other “neurotic” syndromes, eating, sexual and some other disorders, not being conditioned behavioral dysfunctions. Chronic/ recurrent disorders seems to have they causes in the particular personality traits and deficits. Some of them are revealed, described and could be measured by means of Neurotic Personality Questionnaire KON 2006.
In this approach, functional disorder is understood as structured systems of the particular nonverbal language (“parole”) in which symptoms play a role of words while syndromes the role of sentences, expressing the current state of mind – mainly the need of bond with other people and its frustration. They are messages of looking attention, attachment. The use of such language seems to be the result of personality deficits making difficult or even impossible to fulfil the need of bond in the psychosocial field using common for done culture verbal and nonverbal language, “normal” means of communication.
While in the acute and conditioned reactions on stress different forms of helping people (e.g. CBT) seems to be adequate, in the chronic and recurrent functional disorders therapy is postulated to aiming rather at transformations of the communication, leading to the exchange of the messages’ language having the quality of disorder for common, mainly verbal one.