Psychosocial aspects of current civilization challenges from the perspective of a Balint group leader
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Psychosomatic Institute
Submission date: 2022-04-17
Acceptance date: 2022-06-22
Online publication date: 2022-12-23
Publication date: 2022-12-16
Arch Psych Psych 2022;24(4):62-67
This study discusses psychosocial aspects of current civilizational changes from the perspective of Balint group leaders. This difficult period of transformation poses difficult challenges for health professionals who require a toolbox of supports, of which an important one is that provided by the Balint movement through its group activities. Leaders, who moderate meetings of health professionals must have an enhanced understanding of the psychosocial aspects of the turbulence within our civilization including those due to the health impact of COVID-19. The author anticipates that some theses may not be fully accepted, because of the relative novelty and complex nature of the material, but it is presented to stimulate critical discussion in the hope that it will facilitate the efforts of Balint group leaders.