Psychoeducation training on stress management strategies as an addition to the therapy of temporomandibular joint dysfunction – preliminary studies
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Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum, Department of Psychiatry
Submission date: 2016-02-19
Acceptance date: 2016-03-15
Publication date: 2016-05-01
Corresponding author
Joanna Marta Biegańska   

Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum, Department of Psychiatry, Kopernika 21 A, 31-501 Cracow, Poland
Arch Psych Psych 2016;18(1):43-47
Aim of the study:
The purpose of this study was to compile the psycho-education programme for patients suffering temporomanidbular joint dysfunction and to validate its usefulness.

Subject or material and methods:
Study population was a group of 25 patients, aged 19-48 years. The usefulness of psychoeducation training was assessed based on a survey conducted twice: at baseline (survey 1) and a month after running the psychoeducation programme (survey 2).

Preliminary results suggest that the developed psychoeducation programme improves emotional status of patients receiving prosthetic treatment for temporomandibular disorders.

Psychoeducation helps patients improve their self-esteem, develop skills and strategies to control mental well-being, provides them with emotional support and teaches them how to solve problems. During psychoeducation training patients learn practical ways to manage chronic stress. The training makes patient more aware of the effects of excessive emotional stress on the development of temporomandibular joint dysfunction

Preliminary results suggest that the developed psychoeducation programme improves emotional status of patients receiving prosthetic treatment for temporomandibular disorders. Development of an algorithm for these patients needs further research and testing.
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