Premature termination in couple therapy as a part of therapeutic process.
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Family Therapy Department, Chair of Psychiatry, Jagiellonian University
Submission date: 2014-04-01
Final revision date: 2014-05-23
Acceptance date: 2014-05-23
Publication date: 2014-06-26
Corresponding author
Joanna Jurek   

Family Therapy Department, Chair of Psychiatry, Jagiellonian University, Kopernika 21A, 31-501 Cracow, Poland
Arch Psych Psych 2014;16(2):51-59
Aim of the study:
The aim of the study: The paper presents the qualitative study of premature termination in couple therapy. The aim of the research was to answer why couples drop-out from couple therapy at the early stage of treatment.

Subject or material and methods:
To understand the complexity of this event the researchers decided to examine the phenomenon of early drop-out from three different perspectives, that is: from therapists and both spouses point of view.The therapists and couples that ended the therapy prematurely were interviewed. Among examined drop-out cases, there were selected three which fulfilled the criteria for early drop–out. Data were analyzed according to the method of cross-case analysis.

As a result common categories were singled out which were characteristic for those three cases of drop-out.

The distinguished categories of ‘the split of the working alliance’ and ‘the split of the therapeutic bond’ show that the conflict which the couple brought to the therapy was reflected in their experience of the therapy and the therapist.

Premature termination in couple therapy is a part of therapeutic process.
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