Performance anxiety related to sexual functioning – the role of sexual identity and minority stress.
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Jagiellonian University Medical College, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Sexology Lab
Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Sociology, Centre for Evaluation and Analysis of Public Policies
Submission date: 2022-06-02
Final revision date: 2022-06-07
Acceptance date: 2022-06-07
Online publication date: 2022-07-10
Publication date: 2022-07-10
Corresponding author
Bartosz Grabski   

Jagiellonian University Medical College, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Sexology Lab
Arch Psych Psych 2023;25(3):63-70
Aim of the study:
The study aimed to inquire if sexual identity was related to performance anxiety, and if proximal minority stress processes contributed to performance anxiety in gay and bisexual men.

Subject or material and methods:
The present study was based on a database obtained from a larger Internet-based research project on the sexuality of Polish men of different sexual identities. The present sample consisted of 3,495 participants, i.e., 1,096 straight, 1,701 gay, and 698 bisexual men. The main outcome measure was performance anxiety which was measured using a single-item question: During the last 12 months has there ever been a period of several months when you felt anxious about your ability to perform sexually? Explanatory variables were demographics, relational and sex life characteristics – measured using a self-designed questionnaire, and minority stress processes – measured using the Sexual Minority Stress Scale.

Gay and bisexual identities were related to performance anxiety in bivariate analyses however they lost their significance when other factors were controlled for. Relational status was identified as responsible for this change. Internalised homophobia, and expectations of rejection contributed to performance anxiety in minority men.

A subset of gay and bisexual men, i.e., men who do not stay in committed relationships, may be particularly prone for developing performance anxiety, which is one of major factors contributing to sexual dysfunctions. Minority stress processes should be included in planning clinical interventions targeting sexual problems in theses populations.

Gay and bisexual men’s sexual problems need to be addressed in an individualised manner, with inclusion of minority specific processes.
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