Interpersonal problems associated with narcissism among psychiatric outpatients: A replication study .
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Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Department of Psychiatry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Submission date: 2017-12-14
Acceptance date: 2018-04-23
Publication date: 2018-06-05
Corresponding author
Joanna Cheek   

Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, #265-3066 Shelbourne Street, V8R2V4 Victoria, Canada
Arch Psych Psych 2018;20(2):26-33
Aim of the study:
Background: Narcissistic personality disorder is the subject of increasing attention in the literature. However, there remains a relative absence of empirical work that has examined narcissism in clinical samples, especially efforts to replicate previous findings. Findings from a previous large-scale study [1] suggest that narcissism is associated with considerable interpersonal impairment. Aims: The objective of the present study was to replicate the findings of Ogrodniczuk and colleagues in an independent sample of psychiatric outpatients.

Subject or material and methods:
Method: Consecutively admitted patients (N=53) to a day treatment program completed measures of narcissism, interpersonal problems, and general psychiatric distress. The association between narcissism and interpersonal impairment at baseline and post-therapy was examined. The relation of narcissism to treatment discharge status was also investigated. Partial correlation analyses were used.

Results: At baseline, higher levels of narcissism were significantly associated with more interpersonal impairment, particularly characterized by domineering, vindictive, and overly nurturing behaviour. Baseline narcissism was also significantly related to interpersonal impairment at post-therapy. Change in interpersonal difficulties following treatment was not significantly associated with baseline narcissism. Treatment discharge status also was unrelated to narcissism.

Implications for further treatment and clinical considerations are discussed.

Conclusions: The findings largely replicate those of Ogrodniczuk and colleagues’ earlier study, underscoring prominent interpersonal impairment associated with narcissism and supporting the notion of narcissistic personality disorder as a valid clinical construct.
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