Interpersonal behaviours and BPD. Are specific interpersonal behaviours related to borderline personality disorder? An empirical study using the Core Conflictual Relationship Theme standard categories
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Arch Psych Psych 2010;12(3):5-10
Aim. It is common knowledge that disturbed interpersonal functioning is a key feature of borderline personality disorder (BPD). However, it remains uncertain whether patients with BPD have specific interpersonal behaviours that can be validly and objectively identified. This study examined the interpersonal behaviours of patients with BPD. Method. The narratives of interpersonal interactions of the 66 participants were rated using the Core Conflictual Relationship Theme (CCRT) method. Results. Results showed that once other Axis II disorders were controlled for, only three CCRT components significantly predicted scores on the Borderline Personality Disorder Scale: not wishing to be good as a CCRT Wish component, others not being untrustworthy as a response of other component, and not being open to others as a response of self component. However, while these findings were significant, the percentage of variance explained remained low. Conclusions. The authors argue that future research will need to examine subgroups within BPD if specific interpersonal behaviours are to be reconsidered.