Five years of the classical neurosurgery for mental disorders in Poland (1947-1951)
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Arch Psych Psych 2012;14(4):37-47
The paper describes the position of the classical neurosurgery for mental disorders in Poland. Lucjan Korzeniowski was an author of the first work (1948) assessing results of the initial nine leucotomies made between 1947 and 1948. There were made about 180 classical psychosurgeries between 1947 and 1951 in Poland. Schizophrenia was the main indication to the lobotomy, but operations were made also in some different disorders. Moniz method was used in Poland. Topischaemia (Stanislaw Ziemnowicz, 1951) was the original Polish type of operation, but it appeared occasionally. In Poland a classical psychosurgery was stopped both by politics and medical knowledge. Pavlovian's ideology was against lobotomy considering it as a method with bad psychophisiological basement. The Polish Psychiatric Association recommended to abandon lobotomies in 1951. Extensive work of Ewa Broszkiewicz (1955) showed that the leucotomy was an ineffective and a harmful treatment. The doctoral dissertation by Zuzanna Konieczynska (1976) on lobotomized patient confirmed a bad reputation of this method of a treatment.
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