Factor structure and reliability of the Personality Belief Questionnaire in Argentina
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Universidad Siglo 21
Universidad de San Martín de Porres
Submission date: 2018-03-14
Final revision date: 2018-06-22
Acceptance date: 2018-06-27
Publication date: 2018-09-25
Corresponding author
Mario Trógolo   

Universidad Siglo 21, Avda Colón 870, 5000 Córdoba, Argentina
Arch Psych Psych 2018;20(3):79-86
Aim of the study:
To examine the validity and reliability of the Personality Belief Questionnaire (PBQ) in Argentina.

Subject or material and methods:
A forward translation of PBQ from English to Spanish was carried out by two independent bilingual translators. An expert committee subsequently compared the translations with the original PBQ and a final version was derived by consensus. Then, internal structure and internal consistency of Argentinean version of PBQ were evaluated using a convenience sample of 402 individuals drawn from clinical (25%) and general (75%) population of Cordoba, Argentina. To test the internal structure a Procrustes rotation with target matrices and Tucker’s congruence coefficients were used. Cronbach’s alpha and confidence intervals were calculated to estimate the internal consistency.

Findings showed that seven of the nine PBQ scales were replicable: avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive, histrionic, paranoid, schizoid and schizotypal. Antisocial and narcissistic scales revealed little discrimination between them. Reliability analysis indicated acceptable to high internal consistency for all PBQ scales, with Cronbach’s alpha ranging from .75 for avoidant and antisocial to .90 for paranoid.

Results support the validity and reliability of the PBQ in Argentina, providing with a practical assessment tool for dysfunctional beliefs associated to personality disorders that can be applied with clinical and research purposes.

The psychometric properties of the PBQ in Argentina are satisfactory. However, additional study assessing the external validity is warranted.
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