Evolutionary psychiatry: enhancing our current knowledge of psychopathologies
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Hawler Medical University
Submission date: 2019-06-06
Final revision date: 2019-07-05
Acceptance date: 2019-07-08
Online publication date: 2019-09-07
Publication date: 2019-09-07
Arch Psych Psych 2019;21(3):13-14
Evolutionary psychiatry is a small discipline which has yet to have an established integrative framework. Current global prevalance of various psychopathologies demands new ways for thinking them in terms of both proximate and ultimate causal levels.
The author argues that evolutionary psychiatry can lead to developing a more integrative and comprehensive approach towards understanding the complex relationship between neuro-hormonal-endocrine regulation and human affectivity. This is certainly needed due to current mismatch in which human traits which had evolved during the Paleolithic period are increasingly maladaptive in novel and complex environments.
Acknowledging that the human brain is an on-going product shaped by evolutionary processes provides a way to interrogate global mental health problems.