Disorganised attachment and borderline personality disorder: a clinical perspective
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Arch Psych Psych 2005;7(1):51-61
The aim of this paper is to explore the links between the attachment-theory derived concept of disorganised attachment, and the psychiatric diagnosis of Borderlinc Personality Disorder (BPD). Disoiganised attachment can be understood in terms of approach dilemma for if ants for whom stressed or traumatised/traumatising caregivers are simultaneously a source of. threat and a secure base. Interpersonal relationships in BPD including those with care givers is similarly seen in terms of approach-avoidanced dilemmas, whic manifests themselves in disturbed transference/countertransference interactions between therapists and BPD sufferers. Possible ways of handling these phenomena are suggested, based on/Main's (1995) notion of 'meta-cognitive monitoring', in the hope of re-instating meaning and more stable self-structures, in these patients' lives.