Assessment of dietary habits of patients with recurrent depressive disorders
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Department of Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition, Medical University of Bialystok
Department of Medical Statistics and Informatics, Medical University of Bialystok
Department of Psychiatry, Medical University of Bialystok
Submission date: 2014-05-21
Final revision date: 2014-08-18
Acceptance date: 2014-09-25
Publication date: 2014-12-29
Corresponding author
Ewa Stefańska   

Department of Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition, Medical University of Bialystok, ul. Mieszka I 4 B, 15-054 Białystok, Poland
Arch Psych Psych 2014;16(4):39-46
Aim of the study:
The aim of this study was evaluation of selected dietary habits of patients with recurrent depressive disorders.

Subject or material and methods:
The study included 150 patients (75 patients suffering from recurrent depressive disorders. and 75 healthy people aged 18-64 years). The assessment of dietary habits was carried out by using a food frequency questionnaire.

It has been shown that in the compared groups of women, patients with depression consumed significantly less groats (p<0.001), rice (p= 0.02), red meat (p<0.01), fish (p<0.01), vegetables (p<0.001), fruits (p<0.01) and wine (p<0.001) in comparison with women without depression, and they were significantly more likely to consume wheat-rye bread (p= 0.03), cheese (p=0.02), butter (p=0.03), cream (p <0.01), lard (p <0.001), coffee (p=0.03) and sugar (p=0.02) in comparison with women without depression. Statistically significant differences between the two groups of men were diagnosed in the frequent intake of lard (p<0.001) and less frequent vegetable oils (p<0.01), beer (p= 0.01), and fast food (p<0.01) for men with depression compared with men in the control group.

The correct food pattern requires both the proper balance of energy intake and food rations sufficient quantity and quality of products providing all essentials nutrients.

In the treatment of patients with depression during the declared change of diet, the need for nutrition education on the principles of rational nutrition should be taken into attention, including the selection of appropriate food groups in order to ensure an optimal supply of all necessary to the proper functioning of the body's nutrients.
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