Assessing borderline personality disorder based on the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP): Dimensional Clinical Personality Inventory 2 – BPD
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Universidade São Francisco
Submission date: 2018-08-14
Final revision date: 2018-10-15
Acceptance date: 2018-10-22
Publication date: 2018-12-12
Corresponding author
Lucas de Francisco Carvalho   

Universidade São Francisco, R. Waldemar César da Silveira, 105; Jardim Cura D'Ars (SWIFT), 13045-510 Campinas, Brazil
Arch Psych Psych 2018;20(4):77-87
Aim of the study:
The aim of this study was to develop a specific version of the Dimensional Clinical Personality Inventory 2 (IDCP-2), a self-reported measure developed in Brazil to pathological personality traits assessment, focused on the assessment of traits related to BPD in accordance to the HiTOP model.

Subject or material and methods:
. In step 1 we developed new factors to cover all the BPD traits according to HiTOP. In step 2, data were collected from 207 adults from the community (N = 207; Mage = 35.9). Participants completed the developed measure (IDCP Borderline Personality Disorder Scale; IDCP-BPD), and factors from IDCP-2, PID-5, FFBI, and FFHI.

Exploratory structural equation modeling (E-SEM) suggested a 3-solution for the grouping of the fifteen factors of the IDCP-BPD. Factors and total score reliability was good. Correlations between IDCP-BPD factors and external measures were coherent, corroborating expectations. The bootstrap two-sample t test comparing healthy and pathological group suggested good discrimination capacity of the IDCP-BPD factors, mainly Fragility and Impotency feelings factors.

Favorable evidences were find for the use of IDCP-BPD to BPD traits measurement. New factors composing this measure seems to extend the coverage of the IDCP-2 factors in measuring BPD symptoms. Correlations suggest that the factors composing IDCP-BPD measure the traits considered as relevant according to HiTOP.

Discriminant capacity of the factors also indicate the use of the measure, although future studies must to replicate the verifications in samples composed by BPD patients.
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